Softball games schedule for tomorrow, April 19th have been cancelled. Unfortunately, Strong does not have enough girls to play this year.
1st-6th Grade Parents, We need your help completing a survey about our morning school and after school programs. All of our students attend morning school each day from the time they are dropped off until 8:00 AM. We also have after school three days per week. Please click the link and provide feedback. Thanks so much!
Monday update: The baseball field at Drew Central is too wet to play on, so the game scheduled for this afternoon has been canceled.
Mistie's Message for the week of April 18th:
HES Parents and Students, Game day starts Monday!
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the bake sale for the junior class has been canceled for tomorrow. We will reschedule for one day next week.
Miércoles 13 de abril: Debido al tiempo previsto, HSD despedirá de la escuela a la 1:45 de hoy. Las rutas de autobús saldrán de la escuela a la 1:45 y saldrán por las rutas. ¡Por favor, manténgase al tanto del tiempo y a salvo!
Wednesday, 4/13: Due to the forecasted weather, HSD will dismiss school at 1:45 today. Bus routes will leave school by 1:45 heading out on the routes. Please stay weather aware and stay safe!!!
Deadline for School Choice applications: May 1….come join us a be a Hermit!!
Let us make your Easter dessert!
Rain, Rajn Go Away!!! The soccer, baseball, and softball games scheduled for Tuesday, April 12 have been moved to Monday, April 11 because of the forecasted weather. We will update next week’s schedule on Monday.
Mistie's Message for the week of April 11th:
Good Luck wishes for Aislin as she runs for a state office at the Beta Convention in Hot Springs!!! #HermitsLEAD
It's library week, so we are celebrating our librarian, Mrs. Carla McDougald! Thanks for all you do!
HSD Releases 2022-2023 School Calendar…Copies will be sent home with elementary students in Tuesday folders next week and have been sent to student email accounts.
Tuesday, 4/5 Update: After-school events for softball, baseball, and track scheduled for today have been postponed because of the rain and muddy field conditions.
Monday, 4/4: Due to a scheduling conflict at Nevada, the softball game scheduled for today has been postponed.
Mistie's Message for the week of April 4th:
Friday, 4/1: During afternoon classes at HHS, a trash can fire was reported to staff by a student. The situation was handled by staff and never escalated to a level that warranted a call for help. Please understand that the District is handling this situation according to our Handbook and can make no further comment on the situation, due to student discipline privacy laws. Thank you for your understanding.
Thursday update: The baseball field is too wet to play on, so the game scheduled for this afternoon against Fordyce has been canceled.