Parents of Students at HES, Please register for Parent/Teacher conferences today if you have not already done so. Click this link to register. Thanks!
over 3 years ago, Rosalynda Ellis
Parents of Students at HES, Please register for Parent/Teacher conferences by Thursday, September 9th. Click this link to register. Thanks!
over 3 years ago, Rosalynda Ellis
HES Families, Check out this flyer coming home today with your child about Grandparent’s Day on Friday! We hope to see all of our grandparents!
over 3 years ago, Rosalynda Ellis
Parents of Students at HES, Please register for Parent/Teacher conferences by Thursday, September 9th. Click this link to register. Thanks!
over 3 years ago, Rosalynda Ellis
Mistie's Message: Click the link below to see what is happening next week at HHS! Have an amazing Labor Day weekend!
over 3 years ago, Mistie McGhee
Congratulations to Victor Vargas on obtaining his OSHA 10 certification through his welding classes at SEACBEC! #HermitsLead
over 3 years ago, Mistie McGhee
La Junta Directiva del HSD ha aprobado un mandato de máscara que entrará en vigencia de inmediato para todo el personal y los estudiantes cuando se encuentren en espacios interiores donde no se pueda producir distanciamiento social y mientras viajan en un autobús escolar. La resolución se revisará mensualmente. Todos los visitantes deben usar máscaras en nuestras instalaciones interiores. Las oficinas de la escuela tendrán máscaras disponibles para quienes las necesiten.
over 3 years ago, Tracy Tucker
HSD Board of Directors has approved a mask mandate to go into effect immediately for all staff and students when in indoor spaces where social distancing can’t occur and while riding a school bus. The resolution will be reviewed monthly. All visitors must wear masks in our Indoor facilities. The school offices will have masks available to those needing one.
over 3 years ago, Tracy Tucker
The HSD Board of Directors will have a special meeting this evening at 5:30 PM in the HS Cafeteria. The single agenda item is the consideration of a mask resolution.
over 3 years ago, Tracy Tucker
Come to HES TONIGHT anytime between 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM for a drive-through to register your student. You may also complete the bright yellow form sent home and return it to HES by Tuesday, September 7th!
over 3 years ago, Rosalynda Ellis
After School at HES is Rockin! Come to HES Thursday anytime between 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM for a drive-through to register your student. You can also complete the bright yellow form sent home and return it to HES by Tuesday, September 7th!
over 3 years ago, Rosalynda Ellis
Congratulations to the 2021 HHS Homecoming Court!
over 3 years ago, Mistie McGhee
Buses are running a little late today. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
over 3 years ago, Rosalynda Ellis
over 3 years ago, Mistie McGhee
HHS is cultivating readers! During 2nd period today, I observed office workers reading independently, whole classes reading independently, and whole classes reading closely.
over 3 years ago, Mistie McGhee
Southeast Arkansas Education Service Cooperative is looking to hire a HIPPY Homebased Educator to work with families in the Hermitage School District. Bilingual preferred, high school diploma/GED and reliable transportation required. For more information, visit
over 3 years ago, Tracy Tucker
Padres de HES, Esto es solo un recordatorio sobre los almuerzos. No permitimos envases de vidrio y no proporcionamos una forma de calentar los almuerzos. ¡Tenemos un almuerzo maravilloso todos los días en nuestra cafetería y los estudiantes pueden comer gratis! Si su hijo está en K-2, regresará a casa con una forma de practicar cómo ingresar su número de almuerzo en un teclado. Ayúdelos a practicar esto. ¡Gracias!
over 3 years ago, Rosalynda Ellis
HES Parents, This is just a reminder about lunches. We do not allow glass containers, and we do not provide a way to heat up lunches. We have a wonderful lunch each day in our cafeteria, and students may eat for free! If your child is in K-2, they are coming home with a way to practice entering their lunch number on a keypad. Please help them practice this. Thanks!
over 3 years ago, Rosalynda Ellis
The HHS class of 2022 has officially started their last “First Day of School!” ❤️
over 3 years ago, Mistie McGhee
¡Mañana es el primer día de clases! En HES, las puertas se abren a las 7:30 AM, pero los estudiantes no llegan tarde pasando las 8:00 AM. La escuela terminará a las 3:10 PM. En HHS, los estudiantes pueden llegar al campus después de las 7:30 AM, Pero no llegan tarde pasando las 7:55 AM. La escuela terminará a las 3:25 PM. Asegúrese de que su hijo traiga una botella de agua transparente. ¡Estamos ansiosos por verlos!!!
over 3 years ago, Tracy Tucker