Hermitage Elementary School wants to congratulate all of our students who showed in the Bradley County Fair Livestock Show! We would also like to thank the businesses and individuals that donated to their projects in the Livestock Auction! #HermitsLead
Hermitage High School wants to congratulate all of our students who showed in the Bradley County Fair Livestock Show! We would also like to thank the businesses and individuals that donated to their projects in the Livestock Auction! #HermitsLead
HSD Parents,
The City of Hermitage has called for a delay in the road construction again behind the football field and in front of the high school between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to Monday, September 11, 2023. If anything changes, we will notify you of updates regarding road construction. Thank you, Mrs. Spain
K-6 Elementary Grandparents,
It is time for Grandparents day, Friday September 8, 2023 starting at 2:00 p.m. in your grandchild's classroom. We are excited to share cookies and punch with you.
See you tomorrow,
Ms. Gates
Band practice for today has been canceled.
The Moro Bay bus route will be running late this morning.
Hermitage School District would like to thank OK Foods for their donation of an ice chest and water to the HHS FFA. Pictured are HHS FFA Advisor, Dawn O'Neal; OK Foods Operations Manager, Tony Crawford; and HHS Principal, Mistie McGhee.
The City of Hermitage has called for a delay in the road construction behind the football field and in front of the high school due to being behind schedule. Please expect road construction ether Thursday or Friday of this week between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
If anything changes, we will notify you of updates regarding road construction.
Thank you,
Mrs. Spain
HHS Hermit Headlines for the week of September 4th:
Life Share Blood Drive Tomorrow, September 5th at the Hermitage High School Gym. 9 AM-2:30 PM
Please join us and donate to an amazing cause.
Jr High Boys and SR High Girls Placed 2nd (Runners up) in the 8/2/23 1st Cross Country meet of 2023-24.
Go Jr Boys and Sr Girls Cross Country Hermits!
Cross Country Girls and Boys are ready for their run today!
We are proud of all of you!
Go Hermits!
The Cross Country meet in Monticello on September 2nd has been relocated to the Monticello Sports Complex (Soccer Fields). Not at UAM.
Hermitage Parents - Notice of paved street project by the City of Hermitage.
Please be advised that the City of Hermitage will be paving with asphalt the West School Drive (Road behind the football field to the Elementary Building) and North School Drive (Road in front of the High School) on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 starting at 8:00 a.m. right after the morning drop off time after the Labor Day weekend. The crew hopefully will be finished before school is out.
We are excited that our road will be repaired for your daily commute to our school. Thank you for any inconvenience as our roads are being repaired. For any questions regarding this project, please contact the City of Hermitage.
Ms. Spain
The 21CCLC Program is now accepting students Grades 1-6 for Before / After School. Parents of students Grades 1-6, please complete the following registration form by Wednesday, August 30, 2023. https://forms.gle/amDFQrz8y8vCQR7P7 Thank you, Tracie Richard, 21CCLC Program Director
HJH & HHS PARENT FOOTBALL REQUIRED MEETING tomorrow evening THURSDAY< AUGUST 31st in the High School Cafeteria at 6 PM.
The 21CCLC Program is now accepting students Grades 1-6 for Before / After School. Parents of students Grades 1-6, please complete the following registration form by Wednesday, August 30, 2023. https://forms.gle/amDFQrz8y8vCQR7P7
Thank you,
Tracie Richard, 21CCLC Program Director
HHS Hermit Headlines for the week of August 28th:
The 21CCLC Program is now accepting students Grades 1-6 for Before / After School. Parents of students Grades 1-6, please complete the following registration form by Wednesday, August 30, 2023.
Thank you,
Tracie Richard, 21CCLC Program Director